Lil' Thrashers is a collection of young monsters, misfits, and mutants who live to thrash and thrash to live. Their regular haunt is the catacombs, an underground rock club deep under the center of their hometown, Grimstone. They find strength in the thriving community of like-minded headbangers as they do their best to better themselves and make Grimstone a superior place to thrash.
Death Jr. Jr. is starting a band! The only problem(s) is he has no bandmates, no music, no instruments, and no, well, anything. That won't stop him from opening for one of the biggest heavy metal bands to ever come out of Grimstone next Saturday! Don't worry've got this! (you totally don't got this)
Welcome to Lizzie's World! Get to know Grimstone's favorite lead singer and her band, ELDER SAGE!
Welcome to the magical Bubblegum Forest - home to the TEENIE MEANIES and some of the rarest mythical beasts in the world. It’s a land full of the sticky and sweet, but don’t be fooled…it gets dicey under this enchanted canopy.
In a cruel world full of rules, restrictions, and homework, these young monsters have found refuge at the Catacombs: the underground dive that fuels the heavy metal scene of Grimstone. The club is a refuge for Lil’ Thrashers seeking a positive way to cope with all the frustrations of the outside world. Dealing with problems at school, bullies in your neighborhood, or your parents just not getting it? We’ve got the answer: Rage Therapy - get with it!
The Lil’ Thrashers may seek the help of their families and the Elder Sages (the wise and mysterious clerics of their monster tribes), but it’s the community they’ve built at The Catacombs where they find the support needed to strengthen themselves. There may be some scene drama once in a while but, at the end of the day, the Lil Thrashers always look out for each other - demons and all.
There is a monster deep within all of us. Every once in a while that monster has to come out to rage through the cleansing tones of Drop D!